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Page 2 of 2 Tests Beginning with B 42 entries

BG Art  Blood Gas Arterial Covenant, Sartori, Oelwein
BG Cap  Blood Gas Capillary Covenant, Sartori, Oelwein
BG Cord Art  Blood Gas Cord Arterial Covenant, Sartori, Oelwein
BG Cord Ven  Blood Gas Cord Venous Covenant, Sartori, Oelwein
BG Venous  Blood Gas Venous Covenant, Sartori, Oelwein
BldSm Path  Blood Smear Pathologist Review Waterloo
BUN  Blood Urea Nitrogen Covenant, Sartori, Oelwein, Covenant Clinic Arrowhead, Covenant Clinic Cancer Treatment Center
MUSS  Blue Mussel, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
BF Cnt and Diff  Body Fluid Cell Count and Differential Waterloo
BORDG  Bordetella pertussis Antibody, IgG, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
1230300758  Bordetella Pertussis by PCR SO SHL at UIowa
BRAZR  Brazil Nut, IgE with Reflex to Brazil Nut Component, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
BRAZ  Brazil Nut, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
C2729  Breast Carcinoma-Associated Antigen, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
Brucella IgG IgM Antibody SO  Brucella IgG IgM Antibody SO State Hygienic Laboratory
BPAB  Bullous Pemphigoid, BP180 and BP230, IgG Antibodies, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
BUN BF  BUN Body Fluid Waterloo