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Order Code Cul AFB Sm Culture AFB with acid-fast bacilli smear

Important Note

Complete patient and ordering healthcare provider information on attached form, print, and deliver with specimen.


Additional Codes

Epic Order ID LAB2800IA

Sub activity Type

Send out test, results in 10 - 30 business days.

Specimen Type

All specimens should be refrigerated if transport is delayed.

Specimen descriptions below were current as of 1/10/2019. Please see the SHL test catalog entry for the most up to date information.

Sputum: Collect three specimens at least eight hours apart ensuring that at least one specimen is a first morning collection. The healthcare professional must give instructions for producing sputum. The patient’s mouth should be clean before producing a specimen. Sputum should be coughed from deep in the chest and placed in a sterile specimen container. Pooled sputum specimens are unacceptable. Minimum volume 1ml. Deliver to lab immediately.

Bronchial washings, pleural fluid, etc: Deliver to lab immediately. Micro will place specimen in a sterile 50 mL screw cap conical tube.

Tissue specimens/Bronchial brushes: Deliver to lab immediately. Micro will add 4-5 mL sterile saline to a sterile 50 mL screw cap conical tube, and add the specimen.

Gastric specimens: Deliver to lab immediately. Micro will add the first morning specimen to a sterile 50 mL screw cap tube containing 100 mg of sodium carbonate as a buffer. Specimens not clearly labeled as buffered will be rejected.

Urine specimens: Deliver to lab immediately. Micro will add 10-40 mL of first morning urine into a 50 mL screw-cap conical tube without buffers. Specimen must be refrigerated within one hour of collection.

Clinical Information

AFB testing may be used to detect several different types of acid-fast bacilli, but it is most commonly used to identify an active tuberculosis (TB) infection caused by the most medically important AFB, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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