Order Code Cul AFB Sm Culture AFB with acid-fast bacilli smear
Additional Codes
Epic Order ID LAB2800IA
Sub activity Type
Send out test, results in 10 - 30 business days.
Specimen Type
All specimens should be refrigerated if transport is delayed.
Specimen descriptions below were current as of 1/10/2019. Please see the SHL test catalog entry for the most up to date information.
Sputum: Collect three specimens at least eight hours apart ensuring that at least one specimen is a first morning collection. The healthcare professional must give instructions for producing sputum. The patient’s mouth should be clean before producing a specimen. Sputum should be coughed from deep in the chest and placed in a sterile specimen container. Pooled sputum specimens are unacceptable. Minimum volume 1ml. Deliver to lab immediately.
Bronchial washings, pleural fluid, etc: Deliver to lab immediately. Micro will place specimen in a sterile 50 mL screw cap conical tube.
Tissue specimens/Bronchial brushes: Deliver to lab immediately. Micro will add 4-5 mL sterile saline to a sterile 50 mL screw cap conical tube, and add the specimen.
Gastric specimens: Deliver to lab immediately. Micro will add the first morning specimen to a sterile 50 mL screw cap tube containing 100 mg of sodium carbonate as a buffer. Specimens not clearly labeled as buffered will be rejected.
Urine specimens: Deliver to lab immediately. Micro will add 10-40 mL of first morning urine into a 50 mL screw-cap conical tube without buffers. Specimen must be refrigerated within one hour of collection.
Clinical Information
AFB testing may be used to detect several different types of acid-fast bacilli, but it is most commonly used to identify an active tuberculosis (TB) infection caused by the most medically important AFB, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.