Order Code Mumps Panel Acute Mumps Acute Panel
Additional Codes
Epic Code: IMO402
Collection Information
Need SHL Virus Isolation and Detection Kit (obtain from lab) or equivalent viral transport medium. SHL paperwork needs to accompany the specimen. See Resources tab to the left for copy of form.
Specimen type: Buccal/Oral Swab
Collection Instructions: The buccal cavity is the space between the cheek and teeth. The parotid duct drains in the space near the upper molars. Massage the parotid gland area just in front of the ear and near the angle of the jaw for 30 seconds prior to collecting secretions on the swab. Swab the buccal cavity by sweeping the swab near the upper molar to the lower molar. Place the swab in the M4-RT viral transprt medium and do not remove the swab.
Transport Temperature
Refrigerate- Do NOT freeze
Rejection Criteria
Frozen samples
Sample obtained on cotton-tipped, wooden-shafted or calcium alginate swabs.
As of Ocotoer 2021 the Mumps IgM test on serum is not longer offered by the State Hygienic Lab. If this test is needed, please order a Mumps IgM SO (EPIC IMO261) separately.
SHL Test Requistions can be found at: Clinical Test Request Forms- State Hygienic Lab - The University of Iowa (uiowa.edu)