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Order Code Sikl scrn Sickle cell Screen

Additional Codes

Epic Order ID LAB2633

Sub activity Type


Collection tube (preferred)


Specimen Type

Whole blood

Rejection Criteria

Grossly hemolyzed, grossly lipemic, or clotted


Specimen may be stored refrigerated (1° - 10°C) for up to 45 days. Warm samples to room temperature before testing.


Testing should not be performed in children under 6 months of age. Positive screen results should be confirmed with hemoglobin electrophoresis

Clinical Significance

This is a screening test to determine the presence of sickling hemoglobin’s. (e.g. hemoglobin-s, hemoglobin c-Harlem). It is important to detect Hb-S in order to determine which individuals are at risk of crisis when exposed to prolonged anoxia such as may occur during surgery, athletic programs or high altitude conditions.